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Browsing Archive: May, 2010

Feel Better About Sex

Posted by gaycounselling on Friday, May 14, 2010, In : Sex and sexual health 

Sometimes we don’t feel good about having sex or bad after we have had sex. People can get the idea that because they enjoy sex and then feel bad later they have sex addiction. If our upbringing or family or the dominant ideas around us have not been supportive of our sexuality, we may find it is difficult to be who we are!

If you feel bad about having sex, there are some things you can do.

  1. Get to know some other gay men or lesbians who feel good about their sexuality;
  2. Say to yourself that jus...

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Myths about Gay Relationships

Posted by gaycounselling on Saturday, May 1, 2010, In : relationships 
If you are new to gay relationships, you may have a few pre-conceived ideas about what they are all about.

The important thing to remember is that gay people come in all shapes and sizes and have all kinds of interests, just like everybody else. Likewise, gay relationships are as diverse as those in them.

Do I have to choose between being a 'top' or a 'bottom'?
They don't last very long do they?
Gay guys and lesbians always sleep around don't they?
But I don't like bars... don't I have to go to on...

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