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Holding the Man: A Gay Love Story of Our Time

Posted by Gay Counselling on Friday, August 28, 2015, In : relationships 
Holding the Man, a new Australian feature film, has opened in cities across Australia. This is a gay love story, a relationship between two young men from the suburbs of Melbourne. This is a true story based on the memoir of Timothy Conigrave whose commitment to and affection for his partner John is tested by family hostility, social prejudice and the emergence of AIDS in the 80s and 90s.

 For more gay films and tv, take a look at our coming out films page!
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Keeping Safe Using Gay Dating Sites

Posted by Gay Counselling on Sunday, January 23, 2011, In : relationships 
There are more sites than ever on the Internet for gay dating. But if you are new to internet dating, you might want to keep a few things in mind.

The Internet is a public space. That means pretty much whatever you put up there can be accessed by anyone, anywhere in the world. Sure some dating sites are 'closed' communities, but at the end of the day, you don't know who is joining and can see the information and pics you post.

Privacy is not something that concerns everyone but in any case, pe...
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Gay Domestic Violence: Help is Available

Posted by Gay Counselling on Monday, November 15, 2010, In : Domestic Violence 
Domestic Violence is not something that just affects straight relationships. Abuse and violence occurs in same sex relationships as well.

Domestic violence is more than just physical assualt. It includes threats, verbal intimidation, damage to your property and controlling behaviour. If you are gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender and are subject to violence in your relationship or at home, help is available. There are gay friendly and gay and lesbian counsellors you can speak with and ...

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Myths about Gay Relationships

Posted by gaycounselling on Saturday, May 1, 2010, In : relationships 
If you are new to gay relationships, you may have a few pre-conceived ideas about what they are all about.

The important thing to remember is that gay people come in all shapes and sizes and have all kinds of interests, just like everybody else. Likewise, gay relationships are as diverse as those in them.

Do I have to choose between being a 'top' or a 'bottom'?
They don't last very long do they?
Gay guys and lesbians always sleep around don't they?
But I don't like bars... don't I have to go to on...

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