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Growing Up Gay

Posted by Gay Counselling on Monday, January 20, 2014, In : Growing Up Gay 

Some of us knew we were attracted to the same sex quite early in life. For others, we realized later. For example, it is not unusual for a man to discover attraction for men in his 30s or 40s. But for those who grew up gay often say they had many difficulties coming out as gay.

Children are often discouraged from talking about sexuality or same sex experiences. Parents often hope it was 'just a phase'. But evidence suggests that it is better to be supportive of young people who show an intere...
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Support for Gay People during Holidays & Family Gatherings

Posted by Gay Counselling on Sunday, December 5, 2010, In : mental health 
Some of us enjoy family gatherings and festive occasions. But the end of the calendar year is also a time when many gay people find themselves in uncomfortable situations with family or alone or isolated.

Not everyone has family who have come to reasonable terms with gay sexuality. In many families Christmas, for example, is geared towards children and gay adults whether partnered or not can feel left out of celebrations while their brothers and sisters take a lead role as parents and care p...
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Am I Gay?

Posted by gaycounselling on Monday, April 5, 2010, In : Knowing if you are Gay 
If you are questioning whether you are gay you can find help from a number of sources. You can find support on a support forum like the ones at SameSame or OutEverywhere. Or you can speak with a counsellor. Before you talk with someone, it might be worth doing some of your own research. If this question is going through your mind and you want to know more, take a look at our Am I Gay? page.
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