You can find a private gay counsellor through a number of internet directories in the UK. If you're seeking low
cost, short term counselling help, you can contact certain charities in your city or county. They can direct you to appropriate alternatives in your area.
If you have never been to counselling before, don't worry, counsellors are used to meeting with people for the first time. You may want to contact a few counsellors first by email and ask some questions about their experience with gay concerns and issues.
Private Counsellors.
Many counselling practitioners in the UK advertise that they specialise in assisting gay, bisexual and transgender people. The easiest way to find them is by searching for them online. You might start by searching Google for "gay counselling" + your town, or if you prefer an internet based service "gay counselling online" or "gay counselling Skype" for example. To make it easier, there are a number of web - based UK directories where you can search for counsellors. Generally, counsellors advertising on such directories will be professionally trained and members of professional counselling associations.
You can seach for counsellors on these directories:
Natural Therapy Pages UK (search for "gay counselling")
Wahanda Health Beauty & Wellness (search for "gay counselling")
Pink Therapy A UK directory of qualified gay & lesbian therapists.
UK Directory of Counselling & Psychotherapy
Narrative Connections lists practitioners of narrative therapy in the UK.
Professional Associations.
There are also several UK based professional associations that provide databases to search for counsellors. This is also a good way to check the credentials of your counsellor or therapist. If they are not listed here, you may want to ask the counsellor who they are accountable to.
A number of charities have set up services for gay people to access low cost or even free counselling. Check the websites of these organisations to find out what services they are currently offering. Keep in mind that because these services are low-cost, there may be waiting times or queues for appointments. Also, it may not be possible to meet with the same counsellor for subsequent appointments. These charity based services for gay men, lesbians and transgendered people have different eligibility criteria so please contact them directly with any enquiries.
The Terrence Higgins Trust provides free face to face counselling across the UK and low cost online counselling for people living with HIV.
London Friend is based close to Kings Cross in London and offers counselling to people identifiying as gay, lesbian or bisexual. Payment is by contribution according to your income.
Pace Health is London based and offers one to one and couples counselling as well as telephone counselling (available throughout the UK) to lesbians and gay men and fees are negotiable according to your income. They also offer support around domestic violence.
The Lesbian & Gay Foundation in Manchester offers free counselling to those under 25 and low cost counselling to others.
The Rainbow Project provides low cost counselling for gay and bisexual men in Northern Ireland.
The Survivors Trust provides services for survivors of rape and sexual abuse whether they are gay or not.
The Lesbian & Gay Bereavement Project has trained volunteers who can provide a listening ear to lesbians and gay men who have been bereaved as well as to family friends and colleagues. Call 020 7403 5969 Monday and Thursday 7:30pm - 10pm
Domestic Violence.
Broken Rainbow provides advice support and referral to LGBT people affected by domestic violence and abuse.
Sexual Health Counselling.
In most large towns and cities the GUM (sexual health) clinics will provide some counselling for gay and bisexual men in relation to sexual health testing. You can find your closest GUM clinic by contacting NHS direct on 0845 4647 or see the NHS website.
The East One Clinic provides sexual health counselling to gay men in the east of London.
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